75 Sarre Street, Gungahlin ACT 2912
Make yourself at home
Stylishly and Spacious throughout, this two-storey contemporary home is located just a walk away from the light rail and only a short drive or walk away from Gungahlin town centre. This is a home that offers access to necessities for a practical modern family to enjoy all year around. With open plan living and separate lounge the home provides the comfort, character and warmth most families crave in a modern space.
– Spacious, separate lounge and dining areas
– Modern kitchen well equipped with dishwasher
– Master bedroom with renovated ensuite and balcony
– Downstairs study or fourth bedroom
– Third bathroom downstairs with toilet
– Main bathroom with corner spa
– Ducted heating and cooling for all year-round comfort
– Triple garage with remote access
– Walking distance to the Gungahlin town centre
– Low maintenance gardens
– EER unknown
– Applicants to seek permission to keep pets
– Available Now
Jess Middleton
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